I ordered some stuff from Amazon, one of the postal workers delivered it to me at about 7pm Saturday! Like what the hell! Fri 2008/09/12 15:54:23 JST (ID #299167) Report ......Hotel - Night Audit. In the US, there seems to be a preconception of postal workers being mentally unstable. Do other American members know what I mean? I have heard many stories about postal workers going crazy and committing violent acts or suicide, because of stress ...
bHotel/b - Night Audit. Here neighbors are kind of far away. We are friendly and welcomed THEM with food/gifts (not the other way around) when they move in but not much contact otherwise. Fri 2008/09/19 09:32:31 JST (ID #306778) ... http:// bjedling/ Oh pfft, everyone knows ???????????! means "One please!" =3. Mon 2008/09/22 08:30:42 JST (ID #309640). reply to Jed D`Lagged's comment. nightmarejan in the absence of light (Registered on 2009/05/14) ...